Hamartia: Othello By William Shakespeare


Shakespeare's tragedy comments universally on humanities ability to be manipulated. That there's something in all of us to cause disasters if our flaws, our ideals were exploited. There's something within our pride that could be so damaged that we fall so low. There are two questions I wanted to analyse. 

‘The more a husband tries to demonstrate power and control, the more he appears powerless and foolish’ - Shakespeare’s ‘valiant’ Othello is a critique on the social beliefs at the time. The duty of a husband in Elizabethan/Jacobean England dominates the wife through forced obedience, portrayed in this classic tragedy. After facing the climax, it is clear that Othello fears being a victim of cuckoldry and becomes misguided and lost. His attempt at eliminating the problem than feel the power of his insecurity causes the once honourable Othello to descend into a jealous murderer. The flaw inherent in Othello is the product of patriarchal male duties, his responsibility being the general of the Venetian Army. Men holding all the power, face inner-conflict if their power is threatened. 

‘The play is a study of how jealousy can be fueled by mere circumstantial evidence and can destroy lives’ - Iago also knows that, for Othello, the handkerchief symbolizes Desdemona's fidelity. When it shows up in Cassio's possession, Othello is convinced that Desdemona is unfaithful. The white napkin, as we know, is spotted with red strawberries, and Othello tells Desdemona that the strawberries were hand stitched with thread that has been dyed with blood from "maidens' hearts" or, virgins' blood (3.4.70). ‘And it was dyed in mummy, which the skillful conserved if maidens’ hearts’. In this way, the handkerchief resembles a white wedding sheet that's also been stained with a virgin's blood. So, in Othello's mind, as long as Desdemona has the handkerchief in her possession, she's chaste. But the moment she "loses it," she loses her chastity. Shakespeare portrays Othello and Desdemona’s relationship as an ideal love, these lovers have unshackled themselves from societies restraints within the first and second act however after facing the climax, it is clear that deceit and lies overpower this couple. Modern audiences no longer feel as Shakespeare’s contemporaries did for the distrust in these characters. Instead of blaming the role of the malcontent antagonist, the play rather exposes societies prevailing attitude for this couple.


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